Before you venture into the CBD/THC edible business, get familiar with a term harm reduction or a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use.

Harm reduction is a strategy for drug addiction and now heard as a strategy when discussing how to reduce the curve in COVID-19 outbreaks.

View harm reduction a useful tool to apply in the business of edibles.

Entrepreneurs looking to venture into CDB or THC edibles and sell commercially over the next 12 months, I agree with industry leaders that the opportunity for the Fed to legalize Cannabis in all states is better than ever before. 

The Cannabis industry to stimulate the new economy

CEO’s in the Cannabis industry say federal legalization of cannabis can offer economic stimulus through tax revenue and job creation during and after COVID-19 recovery . Read the article.

Delay in legalizing edibles in all states

What’s been the delay in legalizing frozen dairy and plant based CBD and THC infused edibles by the Fed in remaining states? 

First, look at who will be the governments oversight agency

Inspections, oversight and licensing is managed by the Department of Agriculture and in Florida it’s the Florida Dept. of Ag. to apply for HEMP Food Establishment

What are issues in some states holding up approval of Cannabis edibles by the Fed?

  • Governors or voters of a state tending to be more conservative  
  • Sanitation requirements and guidelines 
  • Enforcement of claims listed on the label  
  • Milligrams per serving standardization
  • Training of inspectors already stretched
  • Is the primary inspection and enforcement arm the USDA Dept of Ag, Drug Enforcement or ATF

A significant factor in the hold-up to legalize appears to be with “who” and “how” to manage edible manufacturing. From label claims declarations to food safety, each agency has a different guideline.

In food manufacturing the FDA through the Dept of Ag have guidelines that focus on both, but not for drugs and the same applies to drug enforcement, they do not follow the same label or nutritional requirements as food.    

Most individuals look at the edibles industry with a singular focus on the methodology of adding cannabis into an edible.

Others simply focus on cannabis edibles to calm when others strive to get a high (THC not CBD) when ingesting their product. All of these miss the mark on importance.

When taking the steps to achieve a license to operate, one will discover the requirements of food safety, label declaration and proper testing.

It’s been mostly a cottage industry

Small independents that make infused products on small scale and sell locally are considered a cottage industry. Kitchen made products sold at local restaurants or weekend market may not be as clean as required if licensed.

Federal officials have been well aware and concerned in the lack of compliance in many states and trying to figure out the best way to open up the industry to responsible operators has been one factor and cause of delay. 

Government agencies are probably more concerned about people getting food poisoning than high and rightfully so. Darryl is an advocate in promoting small business and teaching clients best food practices similar to larger organizations. 

Many of the cottage manufacturers have not been as responsible and probably because that didn’t believe compliance was necessary.

Businesses are closed because the product label listed CBD and when tested was to contain traces of THC. In other cases, products with claims of gluten free or non-dairy, proved to be opposite.

Food safety lessons in cannabis infused edibles is a key component in making a successful, sustainable industry. 

Training and practices to apply:

  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) awareness 
  • Food defense
  • Food safe planning
  • Third party lab testing 
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)
  • FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

When making a consumable product in a local shop or major manufacturing facility, the primary focus is to make a clean, safe and bacteria free product.

The consequence of dirty food is listeria that like COVID-19 can result in sickness and even death.

I agree with the CEO’s in the cannabis industry that opening up the Cannabis industry can help stimulate a new economy by creating jobs and businesses by independents.

The edibles segment has great potential to rapidly grow throughout the country and generate jobs and revenue within a community.

Schedule a consult with Darryl to help start your cannabis edible business. Harm reduction, education and training in food safety awareness is a key ingredient to a successful enterprise.

Darryl David
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