Described in wikipedia, Liquid nitrogen or  LN2 is nitrogen in a liquid state at an extremely low temperature. It is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquid air. Liquid nitrogen is a colorless clear liquid with density of 0.807 g/ml at its boiling point and a dielectric constant of 1.43  Liquid nitrogen is often referred to by the abbreviation, LN2 or “LIN” or “LN” and has the UN number 1977. Liquid nitrogen is a diatomic liquid meaning the diatomic character of the covalent N bonding in N2 gas is retained even after liquefaction.

LN2 shops are popular and popping up all over the country, attracting people interested in opening up a different type of ice cream shop.  From an inventory cost perspective, the LN2  shop offer “just in time” production, so eliminates the need to have thousands of dollars tied up in product inventory, stored in a freezer contributing to your electric bill.  

So besides the attraction (think smoke), this type of shop allows the operator to instantly (about 6 seconds) freeze any liquid, dairy or nondairy product and still add flavors and inclusions during the stir/freeze process without pre-made product like a standard shop.

The chart below will provide an understanding of the investment difference between a regular and LN2 ice cream shop.  In regards to the process of dosing liquid nitrogen, there are a variety of patented and not patented processes to choose from.  

Additionally, stirring while going through the freeze process can also be mechanical (blender) or manually (hand stir).  From a “cost of goods” perspective, regular ice cream includes air (over run) where LN2 ice cream has no air folded in so a bit high.

Contact Darryl to help you put together your Liquid Nitrogen Shop.

Darryl David
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