You have a great idea and short on cash, but this doesn’t mean you can’t get things started. Sound crazy, there are a number of items you need to complete well ahead of making products. In fact, searching for investment money may possibly be the easier part of the business exercise. So what are you waiting for?

Let your idea take on a life of its own.  

Right now it’s much too early to think about and discussed some items that will be important way down the line, but not right now.

> Who will make the products?

> Where are test batches made?

> How many flavors will be offered?

> Who will sell the product?

> How will the products be delivered and warehoused?

> Will I need a distributor?

The easy part was thinking up the idea, the more challenging side is doing something about it. So go ahead and make the step, your idea deserves a fighting chance. Here’s a list of tasks that will get you amped up about your enterprise and only requires time rather than cash.

1.) Concept Development & Product Development:

Exactly like it sounds. Let’s say the idea for the product is non-dairy and plant based, then you’ll need to determine the product’s makeup. There are a few to decide on, coconut, soy, almond, cashew or pea. What type of sucrose or fructose will be included? Any gums or emulsifiers? Any prebiotics or enzymes? Is water included? Is smooth texture and mouth feel important?  

2.) Certifications:

Will it be important to have a certification on the label such as organic, kosher, Non GMO, natural, vegan, lactose or gluten free?

3.) Nutritional Targets:

Will the product require to meet specific targets in protein, carbohydrates, sugar, sodium or calories?

4.) Ingredient Statement:

Determine the minimum or maximum number of ingredients that make up the product

5.) Names and Tags:

Establish a brand and company name, later and once up and running, register for an LLC. and Fictitious Name in your state.

Create a tag-line, theme or even a jingle that represents the brand

6.) Graphics:

Design a logo that fits the image of the product and possibly a message you want to convey to the public

Establish a color scheme and font style

The logo and image printed on a label or package should accurately represent what the brand product is about

7.) Website:

A theme can be purchased for as little as $25 and do not recommend building on free-ware.

Build pages to cover topics such as Purpose or story line, About you or the company, Products, Flavors, What’s new

8.) Social Media:

Create a free site on all of the popular social sites and start chatting up your product, brand and phases into the project

Create a fan base that will be caught up on a task you are working on or completing. Flavor requests are popular

It’s possible in establishing an excited and large following, you could create a “ public funding” site and point them to it.    

9.) Swag:

Create and wear logo’ed clothing, toss around business cards or “leave behind”

As you can see by the list, there are numerous things that need to be implemented after your idea and before making.

Follow and complete the list to give your brand life and you motivated to start your business. Contact Darryl after you complete the list of items to understand what’s next. You won’t regret it.






Darryl David
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