Dairies Heed Call for Clean Labels

There was a recent article in Dairy Foods magazine, written by Kimberly Decker regarding consumers demanding to simplify food labels and what the industry calls “Clean Labeling”. Many large manufacturers have stretched the boundaries on the meaning of a word like All...

Glycemic Index for Sweeteners

Here is an excellent reference article on sweeteners from real sugar to artificial sweeteners. In ice cream and many frozen desserts, sugar is used for both sweetness properties as well as for solids. Using and consuming in moderation is always important and...

Butterfat or Milkfat

There are a number of “fat” term references heard when discussing dairy products.  This ice cream is 16 percent butterfat, my yogurt is only 1 percent milkfat, the gelato is low in fat.  So what is the difference in terms and is butterfat the same as milkfat. SFGate...

Stir Fried Ice Cream

In the past, I have written a number of articles on the subject of LN2 or Liquid Nitrogen. The Estimated Cost Difference Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Shop vs Standard, Is a Liquid Nitrogen Parlor Right For You and Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Consultant Quoted in USA Today....